Creative-Inspirational Dance Course
Focus: Latinamerican Music's Styles

Do you want to enjoy, discover and learn what kind of dance's style fits best with your natural abilities?
Join us in a multifaceted dance course, where you will discover how to release your whole corporal potential.
We will learn the basics of several Latin-American dance's styles like Colombian salsa, bachata,
merengue and vallenato, as well as (basic) pop, popping and break dance, among others.
You can subscribe as pairs or singles.
At the end of the academic semester, an open Latin-Ball will take place for all the participants of both courses
including their friends and relatives.
We are looking forward to seeing (dancing) you very soon!
Place: KHG Edith-Stein Haus
Ebendorferstraße 8, 1010, Vienna
Dates: (regularly with some exceptions) Wednesdays at 20:30-22:00 h.
Wednesday, 17.10.2018
Wednesday, 24.10.2018
Wednesday, 31.10.2018
Wednesday, 07.11.2018
Wednesday, 14.11.2018
Wednesday, 21.11.2018
Wednesday, 28.11.2018
Wednesday, 05.12.2018
Wednesday, 12.12.2018
Wednesday, 09.01.2019
Wednesday, 16.01.2019
Wednesday, 23.01.2019
Sommer term: Starting on the 17th of October until the 2nd of February 2019.
REMARK: You can also start one week later!
The Course will be given by Dr. Danny A. J. Gómez-Ramírez
Saturday, 23.02.2019 Course Ball
Normal Price: 70 Euro
Reduced Price: 35 Euro (Students and Unemployed)
Please register under the e-mail address dgomezramire(at)outlook.de at the latest