Creative Colombian-Salsa+Merengue

The city of Cali located in the south-west of Colombia has a long tradition in dancing one of the most challenging and sophisticated salsa’s styles in the world. It requires not only abilities for performing amazing turns, but also a very special and unique faculty for achieving highly elaborated feet movements, with a resulting performance of an unmatched level.
So, due to the following reasons, we elaborated a very specific plan for getting you step by step into this extraordinary dance style. Keep in mind that any big achievement starts and finishes with small attainments. Therefore, allow us to guide you into one of the most complex dance styles in one of the simples ways!:-)!
In this nice and living space located in the renowned Salsa Bar "Fania Live", we will offer single hours for both Merengue and Colombian Salsa with an amazing afterparty with original LP-s and a great sound quality.
The Course will be given by Dr. Danny A. J. Gómez-Ramírez
Place: FaniaLive
U-Bahn Bogen Gürtellinie 22-23, 1080 Vienna
Dates: Tuesdays at 19:00-21:00 h.
With open Salsa Party afterward.
Starting Date: 22.05.2018
First Hour 19-20:00 h Merengue
Second Hour 20-21:00 h Colombian Salsa
Normal Price for both Hours + Afterparty: 15 Euro (inclusive 3 Euro Drink Voucher)
Normal Price for a single Hour + Afterparty: 15 Euro (inclusive 3 Euro Drink Voucher)
Please register under the e-mail address dgomezramire(at)outlook.de
Important: This course will take place only if there are enough registrations with one week in advance.