Artificial Mathematical Intelligence
Generating the Best Ethical Last Generation AI for mathematically-based Scientific and Entrepreneurial Challenges with a Cognitive and Multidisciplinary Basis
This is the official Seminar in Artificial Mathematical Intelligence given in the Latinamerican branch of the Network mainly open to students and professionals who want to understand and to apply the techniques of AMI for the well-being of the Society and for solving our ultimate global challenges with the latest formal and computational frameworks emerging potencially from the AMI formal pillars.
Former Members
Leidy Daniela Alzate Florez Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellin)
Aura C. Puche Universidad de Antioquia
Keveen Rodriguez Universidad de Antioquia
Efraim Cardona Universidad de Antioquia
María Antonia Rincón Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellin)
Alejandro Martinez Valencia Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellin)
Jorge Arango Alvarez Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellin)
David Estiven Carvajal Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellin)
Juliana María Orozco Patiño Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellin)
Juan Pablo Cardona B. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellin)
Junior Golden Members 2019-20
(Invited to our ARMAINTE AI BootCamp 2019)
David Alexis Giraldo Quiroz
Electronic Engineering student UBP Medellín, Robotic Teacher,
Former Member of the Olimpic Robotic Team,
Medellín, Colombia.
Juan Felipe Sanchez Arbelaez
Product’s Design Engineering Student Eafit University, Medellín,
Former member of TecnoAcademia,
Medellín, Colombia.
Luis David Ducuara Cadavid
Mecatronics Engineering’s Student of the EIA University,
Medellín, Colombia.
Jeferson Hurtado Ayala
Mecatronics’ Systems Engineering Student
University (Institution) Pascual Bravo, Member of TecnoAcademia,
Medellín, Colombia.
Manuel Alejandro Valencia Fuentes
Bachelor’s Technologist in Accounting and Finances
Educational Institution Ciudadela del Sur Armenia, Colombia.
Luis Guillermo Leal Idarraga
Technical Bachelor in Software Development,
Educational Institution Ciudadela del Sur Armenia, Colombia.
Angélica Mosquera Cruz
Academical Bachelor,
Academical Institution Rufino Jose Cuervo, Armenia, Colombia.
Alejandra Alvarez Soto
Academical Bachelor,
Academical Institution Rufino Jose Cuervo, Armenia, Colombia.
Juan Esteban Peñuela Tique
Technical Bachelor in Analysis and Development of Information Systems,
Technical Institution Jose Joaquin Florey Hernandez,
Ibagué, Colombia.
Juan David Tique Robayo
Technical Bachelor in Analysis and Development of Information Systems,
Technical Institution Jose Joaquin Florey Hernandez,
Ibagué, Colombia.
Julián Camilo Giraldo Díaz
Technical Bachelor in Analysis and Development of Information Systems,
Technical Institution Jose Joaquin Florey Hernandez,
Ibagué, Colombia.
Natividad Alfaro Monsalve
Technologist in System of SENA (National Service System),
Valledupar, Colombia.
Diego León Tejada Velásquez
Systems‘ Engineer, ITM University,
Medellín, Colombia.
Raul Andrés Baldonado Ramírez
Academical Bachelor, Educational Institucion Agustín Codazzi,
Agustín Codezzi, Colombia.
Edinson Yesid Arevalo Pallares
Technical Bachelor, Educational Institution Andres Bello,
Cúcuta, Colombia.
Andrea Estefanía Tez Getial
System’s Technologist, SENA,
Túquerres, Nariño.
Yesika Natalia Charfuelan Revelo
System’s Technologist, SENA,
Túqueres, Nariño.
Juan Fernando Villa Hernandez
Student of Technology in Local Government, SENA,
Large Experience in Informatics’ Infractructure, Smart Cities and Information
Systems’ Management.
Medellín, Colombia.
Carlos Daniel Marcillo Tobar
Technologist in Software Development, SENA,
Túqueres, Nariño.
Jesús Hernán Yarpas Tello
Student of Systems’ Technology, SENA,
Túqueres, Nariño.
Nicol Dahiana Salgano Giraldo
Technologist in Information’s Systems for Education,
Universidad de Manizales,
Manizales, Colombia.
Mateo Arroyave Quintero
Student of Software Development, ITM,
Winner of the Exhibition CT+I Parque Explora, 2015,
Medellín, Colombia.
Nilton Arley Henao Calle
Technologist in Industrial Automatization, SENA,
Medellín, Colombia.
Ronald Cardenas Lara
Technologist in Computer Programming, Autonomous University of Manizales,
Manizales, Colombia.
Sincere thanks to all the "Cuy" Inspiration during the Event
This is the permanent research seminar of the Network ARMAINTE aimed for scientist of several disciplines and whose purpose is to study current scientific topics related directly or indirectly with the main pillars of Artificial Mathematical Intelligence. Our meetings can be either virtual or on-site and normaly have a frecuency of gatherings each 2-weeks.
Current Members
Prof. Dr. Sergio Daladier Molina University of Cincinnaty, USA.
Prof. Dr. Edisson Gallego TdeA University Insititution, Medellín, Colombia.
Prof. Dr. Edison Mauricion Rivera ITM University Institution, Medellín, Colombia.
Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Hermandez National University of Colombia (branch Manizales), Colombia.
Prof. Dr. Jaibert Porras TdeA University Insititution, Medellín, Colombia.
Prof. Dr. Danny A. J. Gómez-Ramírez UPascual Bravo University Insitution, Medellín, Colombia
Prof. Dr. Marlon Rincon Fulla National University of Colombia (branch Medellín), Colombia